Today I'm showing you cutting area 2. Nothing spectacular but it holds my Slice and sewing machine. One of these days I'm going to get a mini craft sewing machine. This one is old as the hills and heavy to move, even sliding back and forth. But not for awhile.....
At first I wanted the cutting machines all in one area. It just didn't work with the size of the Cricut Expressions. So I've settled for three areas with all the "stuff" with each machine. It seems to work because I don't have to dig for this and that and I KNOW where everything is. It's all about convenience and organization when I craft.
On the wall I have framed broadway plays and concerts that I've gone to. I wish I had done it when I first started going. I don't have some of the earlier ones like Annie, Pride and Prejudice, La Miserabes, Simon and Garfunkel, Elton John, Bon Jovi and so on...but I do have all the later plays and concerts. It's fun to look up at the wall and remember them and the time spent with my kids. I do think they will have to be moved to on top of the two windows because I'm starting to need more wall space for my ribbon holders. We'll see.
I love to see people's ideas in their craftrooms. I'm just hoping this will give you inspiration.
Thank you for looking!!
Have a good weekend.
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